Christian rap with or without music. Here are some powerful ones.

Come on, brothers and sisters- we need to make war against sin in our lives, against this world system tearing lives down, destroying people and making them puppets to sin. It is sick and must be stopped. God left us here for a purpose after he saved us and that was to bring others into his kingdom.
Make War!

We need Jesus so badly! He said "demons" in this song but in reality, "devils" are out there and we must look to Jesus for victory. Demons are a myth but devils are real.

Christian Rap - Northstar - I Need You

Here is another good one. Listen to them carefully.

Rain Comes Down - Christian Rap Video

And another-
Lecrae (Rap-a-long lyrics) Don't waste your life

And even another
Lecrae- Rebel

Now I see that I like Christian rap witbout music too.
Lesson Before Dying

Rise Up

Silence is Deadly

True Social Justice

Truth Without Photoshop

These three are some of my favorites...All by the same guy.
The Only Thing by Poet Chris Webb

The Gate by Poet Chris Webb

Wake Up Call by Poet Chris Webb

Listen carefully to this one. Does everybody know you are a Christian by your actions or does everyone think you are a Christian because you are acting?
Does Anybody Know That You're a Christian?

You Just Lost One...

"I will wait for you"

A Poem About Weed

newpulse (3K) ALMOST (saved) by Official P4CM Poet Ezekiel Azonwu

Here is another brother who puts the truth in an interesting format.

What is the GOSPEL? - Propaganda

And a Christian sister who speaks the truth in a little rap

Tamara Lowe at Christ Fellowship

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